We have received your application. There is one more step to go! Please bring HKD 100,000 Cashier's cheque to Allegro Sales Office to complete the reservation progress on or before (registration date 17/8 +3Days). Allegro Sales Hall: Shop 111-113&115, first floor, lions rise, 8muk lun street, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Following your instruction, the QR code & Registration ID will be sent to you via email. Please show the QR code & Email to our staff upon admission. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to reach us at 2118 2000
Due to the recent situation of the Novel Coronavirus Disease and as a precautionary measure, it is necessary for all visitors to provide the information on this declaration form so that New World Group can understand the general health condition of visitors and ensure that a safe and healthy environment is provided for all visitors and staff. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by the Group. You should make your data access request by writing to our Data Privacy Officer by email at privacy_HR@nwd.com.hk.
此圖片為於九龍城上空的模擬鳥瞰景觀。此圖片為實景拍攝圖片(於2021年8月17日於九龍城上空以航拍器材實景拍攝)及設計概念圖並經由電腦圖像技術作畫面整合而成,以模擬發展項目「Allegro 瓏碧」的位置及大約四周環境。部分背景之相片內容為設計概念圖,可能顯示發展項目外擬建中或未落成的建築物、設施及區域發展等,當中包括啟德體育園、啟德車站廣場、啟德跑道區的擬建建築、啟德河旁的擬建建築、啟德區內之擬建綠化地帶及其他區內擬建建築等,其詳情(包括但不限於落實與否、名稱、位置、設計、大小、比例、距離、竣工時間等)均以政府或相關機構之最終決定為準。此等建築於發展項目落成及入伙時可能尚未完成或被放棄興建,即使落成後其詳情亦可能與此設計概念圖之顯示有所不同。此設計概念圖經過電腦修飾處理及並非按照比例繪畫,僅供參考之用。發展項目四周的環境、建築物及設施等會不時改變,敬請留意。此設計概念圖並不構成亦不得詮釋成賣方作出任何不論明示或隱含之要約、承諾、陳述或保證(不論與景觀是否有關)。賣方建議准買家到有關發展項目地盤作實地考察,以對該發展項目地盤、其景觀、周邊地區環境及附近的公共設施有較佳瞭解。「Allegro 瓏碧」的周邊地區經已或日後可能出現改變,敬請留意。